How it all began


Becoming an American citizen led Adrien Gold to study the America’s history. Fascinated by the many momentous but little-known, or often-hidden events that he discovered along the way, Gold embarked on writing a series of entertaining and informative short stories of historical fiction. These stories were compiled into “The Kings Have Won.” The book recounts America’s 200-year-long battle for the wealth of the nation.

The book presents nineteen unique stories, each meticulously researched and brilliantly crafted, revealing little-known facts about American history and the socio-political events that shape our world. Despite their fictional fabric, these tales remain rooted in historical events, rendering the narrative both compelling and educational.
The opening story introduces us to General Smedley Darlington Butler and an audacious Bank Plot to overthrow FDR. Other tales explore complex characters like Andrew Jackson, Paul Warburg, and the events leading to the significant 1929 Crash. A sense of anticipation and intrigue are consistent themes throughout these stories.

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1. The Pauper Made King

“Of the Founding Fathers, no dream was too grand to dismiss, and I salute them. However, I wish to dedicate all the honors to the builder of Nation, to the man who transformed ideas into realities, to the corruptible genius, to the man so blinded by honor it led him to his death, to the pauper made King; Alexander Hamilton, who helped us, in the words of Thomas Jefferson; “…form the most corrupt government on earth.”

Washington is burning

2. Washington is Burning

At precisely five o’clock, Nathan Mayer Rothschild retired to the grand living room of the impressive New Court on St Swithin’s Lane; a most deserved moment of peace. A few days earlier, the rain had begun to fall over London, and while it varied in intensity, it had never ceased.

3. Messengers

Caillou was a one-eyed beast of sorts—a disfigured being ravaged by fear and the violence of men; part cyclops, part gargoyle, and part man. A soldier amongst the thousands about to die on this dreary battlefield, he sat, sheltered from the torrential rain; silent, immobile, and apprehensive, waiting for the giant before him to move.